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Characteristics of Handwriting and How to Use them to Develop Good Handwriting.

Posted on 01/08/2022

Handwriting is a skill that differs from individual to individual. Though a person may use the same paper and pen the style of written content will be different. Writing by hand is something we do without much thought. But, handwriting is one of the most important traitsof humans. Handwriting is used as evidence in forensics to solve judicial cases.
A person’s handwriting through various characteristics. The characteristics are divided into two groups that areclass characteristics and individual characteristics.
Class characteristics are the ones that have common features in a group. The attributes of class characteristics are:

Body Movements

The movement of fingers, wrists, forearm and shoulder to create the text using the writing objects. The main fingers used are thumb, index and middle fingers. Movement of the wrist is also important. Based on this there are certain traits like speed, skill, slant /slope, shading and Spacing that are compiled to characterize good handwriting.


While writing it is important to write the letters evenly or through a line (visible or imaginary) that will provide continuity to the word.

Relative Size

Evaluate letters based on their size analyzing their length and width. It has to be coherent to the next letter.


There are letters that are written between the lines and letters written through the lines. It is important to arrange both form letters proportionately.

Line Quality

Line quality is defined as the smoothness, evenness, continuity, and alignment of the lines. The most important feature of the handwriting is the quality of the lines.
These are the class characteristics that is used to analyse the handwriting.
Individual characteristics are deviating from the taught writing system and are therefore powerful identifiers when comparing handwriting patterns.


Form are not limited to the shape of the letters but include the method of constructing and connecting the letters, including the first and last strokes.

Letter Designs

Writing consists of straight lines and curves in various directions, forming individual letter shapes. The lines can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal. Curves are circles or sections of circles. The letterform is the most recognizable feature of handwriting.

Method of Construction

Writers develop consistent routines regarding the construction of letter shapes. They start their letters at roughly the same, whether at the baseline, above or below, they move the writing instrument in the same direction and connect the strokes to the same position each time and end their letters the same way.


Strokes added to the text to improve the appearance of the text. These are curves and wavy lines that are added at the beginning or end of the letter. A hook is a small stroke that the writer unknowingly changes direction. Hooks are added at the beginning or in the end of a word, but some may appear in the middle.
All these traits together create an individual’s handwriting. These attributes can be used to assess a person’s handwriting to understand whether the handwriting needs to be changed or not. Using this attributes the person can master the skill of good handwriting.