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Reasons Why Handwritten Letters Are Still Relevant Today

Posted on 26/11/2021

Letters are the earliest form of communication that was used by people to send messages. Letters consisted ofwritten content in a piece of paper. This can be given directly to the person to whom it was meant or posted it to their address if they are far away. Letter writing have existed in early centuries in Rome, India, Greece and Egypt. Egypt is considered as place where letters and symbols were evolved. The first handwritten letter record has been believed to be from Persia. Letters was the easiest form of communication for people to send and receive messages during that time.
In present century, with advancing technology and electronic mail there is a doubt that whether letter writing will exist in coming years?
In early times letter was only used as a communicative source. But now, letter writing is a form of art. Though we believe that letter writing is disappearing, there are many people who believe letter is an important source of communication and it should be preserved.
Electronic mail or more commonly known as ‘E-mail’ is an important discovery that made communication easier and cheap. To send a mail, the sender and recipient should have mail address. The hype of E-mail lasted for years. But as the time went by, E-mail lost its significance due to many reasons. E- mail is now a common form of communication. However, a person can send a message to anyone’s mailaddress, but the mail might not be significant to the recipient.E- mail lacked human touch or the feel of personal communication, so people used E-mail only for official purposes. Though mail was better form of communication, it had one disadvantage, it did not convey the feelings of human.
Letter writing gained more importance because of this reason. Many people started writing letters to their loved ones on occasion and they could depict all their feelings through their writing. When a person writes letter he can memorise the content of letter which in turn could help in his/her memory skills. Many schools and colleges included letter writing in curriculums so that students could enhance writing, cognitive and memory skills. Letter writing became an effective marketing strategy in customer relation where they could attach a written thank you notes to E-mail and provide lasting good impression on customers. Art of letter writing concept are adopted by various authors to depict their novels especially in genre of romance.
Letters are personalised to a person than E-mail.A letter will surely be openedbythe person to whom it is sentand will go through it.Handwritten letters create a positive impression on reader. Hence, letter writing will always be relevant form of communication.