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Importance of pen in improving handwriting

Posted on 16/07/2021

The transition from being pencil users to penning experts is an important shift for young students as it makes them invest more effort and hard wok. Outstanding handwriting skills developed in the lower level classes by practicing to write legibly with pencil results in a strong foundation.
Recently the priority given to handwriting in schools is reduced as the curriculum is not recommending to promote it by giving any prescribed book or specific lessons. Most of the school board examinations do not allot marks for the handwriting but according to the evaluators a good writing makes correction easy and it provides the first impression. Good handwriting skills are learnt in childhood by developing eye to hand coordination, good posture, good hand positioning, and fine motor skills. Handwriting then becomes an action that requires little or no thought. If bad habits are fostered in childhood, they become engrained and hard to break in adulthood. Improving handwriting skills as an adult means increasing the legibility of writing, increasing writing fluency and speed, developing ergonomic writing and finally learning how to grasp the pen properly.

Even after leaving the school, it is never too late to develop good handwriting skills. Usually adults pay little attention to their handwriting since there are only a few instances that requires them to write with hands in this digital era. However, circumstances require a handwritten note and only then do people realize that they have problems with writing. It is then time to find tips on how adults can improve their handwriting. Repetitively practice writing is the simplest way to break bad handwriting habits is to with good writing habits. This requires purchasing handwriting books, or taking a handwriting course. Some adults are unwilling to make that required commitment; it makes sense to find tips that can improve writing skills while going about daily writing schedule.

Holding the pen in a "death grip" can influence the way handwriting looks. People who hold their pen tightly tend to have writing that is small and printed. This writing style is inefficient and can be time consuming. Consider adapting the cursive writing style that is smoother and requires fewer hand movements to write. The death grip writing posture can lead to stress in the wrist. Another way to prevent wrist injury is not to write while laying the wrist on the table. This action causes the writer to stretch their wrist and to overuse their fingers, which affects the handwriting. Relaxing the wrist and forearm, and use them to control the pens motion for more fluent writing.